Performance Curve

Automatic registration of the depth of the liquid level. Designed to record the level curve (depth level, casing pressure, ultrasound) according to what is predefined by the user automatically.
It is adapted for pump control operation in remote systems as a fully automatic device. It can be equipped with the gas balloon in case the casing pressure is zero or low.
Used in oil production, research and development (R&D) areas, as well as well data logging departments in the oil and gas industry.
Designed for long-term operation
Simplicity in mounting and starting the device
Ability to operate at zero and low casing pressure
Ability to operate through the PC, recording unit and smartphone with the option to turn on the device and view measurements.
Compact and lightweight
Software EDWin™
Designed to prepare the measurements you receive from the echometer.
The software allows:
- Edit measurement parameters
- View captured measurements
- Prepare contour lines
- Calcular SBHP
- Export the curves to a file
- Print graphic and text reports
- Provide spectrum analysis